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Suffocation: "...Of The Dark Light" – 2017

энциклопедия: Suffocation

Состав группы:

  • Frank Mullen – вокал
  • Terrance Hobbs – гитара
  • Derek Boyer – бас
  • Eric Morotti – ударные
  • Charlie Errigo – гитара

Приглашённые музыканты:

  • Kevin Muller – бэк-вокал

Suffocation: "...Of The Dark Light" – 2017


  1. Clarity Through Deprivation
  2. The Warmth Within The Dark
  3. Your Last Breaths
  4. Return To The Abyss
  5. The Violation
  6. Of The Dark Light
  7. Some Things Should Be Left Alone
  8. Caught Between Two Worlds
  9. Epitaph Of The Credulous


1. Clarity Through Deprivation

Having traveled the darkest path
Disregarding the life I was given
Intentional plunder, the degradation
My self hatred becomes isolated
I've succumbed to the darkness
Feel the warmth devour my soul
Inescapable fate
Approaching transcendence
I see clarity through deprivation

My actions beg and plead
For an end to this insane world
Mortal death encroaches
Ending life that had no meaning
But the fractal portal opens
Slipping through dimensions
Dreadful path once binding
Now leading to enlightenment

Visions of immaculate detail
In vibrant clarity
I've been given the answers
And seen unimaginable sights
I have touched and altered
The physical and the spiritual
Realms of deception embedding the lies
Plaguing the future of all mankind

So bleak...so dismal
Parallels have become entangled
Scriptures deciphered revealing the truth

Only through death can you transcend the lies

Inherit the knowledge that was manipulated
Now awakens the soul through consciousness
This is not suicide it's devotion
Sever the flesh, ascend and receive
Clarity through deprivation

2. The Warmth Within The Dark

Embrace the darkest of your fears
And seek the warmth within the dark
The fear and pain you live with
Will keep you from transcending

Everything you were taught
To believe in this life, was a lie
It's all to keep you from knowing
The terrifying truth is that
This life is only the passage to death
Perception of life – holographic deception
Illusions unknown to all mankind

Reborn to live out these insufferable lives
Damned to the cycle of enslavement
The only way to pass through
Is to take your own life
And receive the gifts from the gods

You choke
Cannot swallow
The truth has made you vomit
You now know
Your vessel is hollow
And you're left to weep and wallow
Gagged by the truth
Gasping for air that's not there
Frantically reaching for hope within
Deception, your perception
Is the center of all reflection

You choke
Cannot swallow
The truth has made you vomit
You now know
Your vessel is hollow
And you're left to weep and wallow
Gagged by the truth
Gasping for air that's not there
Frantically reaching for hope within
Deception, your perception
Is the center of all reflection

To go beyond what's real
To question your existence
This is how you'll find
The answers you seek

Your fear is where it thrives
It breeds within its lies
It feeds on lives in pain
Consuming souls forever binding the weak

The only way to be truly free
And break the chain of slavery
Is to embrace and go beyond
Beyond the warmth within the dark
Is what we were taught to fear and shun
The thought that there's a chance
To understand the cycle can be broken
But you must take your life

3. Your Last Breaths

From the time you understood anything
You're misled to believe a false truth
If you lived on in one's glory
All that could befoul would be diverted

This couldn't be further from the truth
You control nothing
And there's nothing you can do
Your path has been set
And to this you will see it through

Dividing the flesh and the essence
While dying – you see as you should
But could never see
Fleeing the host – panic frenzy
Your last breaths to be counted
And faint images fade as hope loses its worth

Lift the veil to see the unseen
The absence of light, exquisite agony
Forked tongue messenger
Deliverer whose words are the key
The door of perception unlocks

This couldn't be further from the truth
You control nothing
And there's nothing you can do
Your path has been set
And to this you will see it through

Dividing the flesh and the essence
While dying – you see as you should
But could never see
Fleeing the host – panic frenzy
Your last breaths to be counted
And faint images fade as hope loses its worth

4. Return To The Abyss

Not all of us were born as equals
predetermined to rise or to fall
the strain cannot be ever altered
through dreams it can be deciphered
enraptured to return to the abyss
bow to the infinite
beyond a life that was lived out
there is nothing that you can do
to change this life that you've been given
nothing remains for you to embrace
only silence for you to hear
unconsciousness relics within
this illusion reflects what's real
there is no more, no more deception...
your perception has been shattered
enraptured to return to the abyss
bow to the infinite
beyond a life that was lived out
to stay is to accept a fate
most will never know
anything just beyond that
to escape is to embark
on the unimaginable
to end this is the only way
approaching the precipice
release of consciousness
to leave this world behind
the path begins
beyond the darkness
mortality's last fleeting moments
your heartbeat wanes before the passing
try to refuse this world of substance
grasping for light
the darkness shrouds
enraptured to return to the abyss
bow to the infinite
beyond a life that was lived out
there is nothing that you can do
to change this life that you've been given
nothing remains for you to embrace
only silence for you to hear
unconsciousness relics within
this illusion reflects what's real
there is no more, no more deception...
your perception has been shattered

5. The Violation

Channeling forces we don't understand
Into energy currents eternal
Whisper the passage once spoken
To enter the void before it collapses
Silence the patterns that echo
Yet still the voices can be heard
In this place beyond time
Astral projection
The dimensional loop
Natural law of infinite power

The many will become the few
Eternal torment perceived as paradise
Reflection of time
This is where you die

You have no future
Channeling dimensional energy
Forbidden transgression
Consequence – the violation

You have no future
Channeling dimensional energy
Forbidden transgression
Consequence – the violation

You have no future
Channeling dimensional energy
Forbidden transgression
Consequence – the violation

You have no future
Channeling dimensional energy
Forbidden transgression
Consequence – the violation

Channeling forces we don't understand
Into energy currents eternal
Whisper the passage once spoken
To enter the void before it collapses
Silence the patterns that echo
Yet still the voices can be heard
In this place beyond time
Astral projection
Natural law of infinite power

6. Of The Dark Light

The answer to all questions
Was once whispered
It echoes perpetually
Throughout the halls of time
Forcing man to perceive destiny
The essential frequency of life's essence
Was once pure and untainted
But man will and must drift
Into the numb and dissident

Guiding lost souls from the womb to the grave
Converting all who were free to a slave

The true message distorted
As intertwined and lost
Causing man to seek the source
The profound essence of conquest
Aimlessly wandering, seeking the unknown
Drifting too far to feel the reverberations

Inverting the message
The secret was intertwined...

..and lost within itself, and reversed life's passage

Alter – life's frequencies
Only somehow we feel the truth
It distorts – and inverts

Life's frequencies
Life's passage
Reversal of the message
To alter perception

As time passes and life's frequency is altered
As time passes and life's frequency is altered

7. Some Things Should Be Left Alone

Dampness becomes this night
Half moon illuminates the scene
A gathering of unsuspecting souls
Are about to embark on a journey

From which they will not return
Telling tales an ominous figure
Is seen in the distance
Curious souls will
Always have a need to investigate

Some things should be left alone

This creature is not of this dimension
It lusts for the blood of man's flesh
And this eve the blood shall rain

In an instant claws of immense size
Rip limbs from their hosts
Razor sharp claws take chunks of meat
One soul in a desperate attempt to save the others
Offers himself a sacrificial lamb
The creature will have none of this
It is here for one thing and that is the blood of

Spines snapped, heads cracked, carnage ensues
The ones who shall find this scene of malevolence
Shall be forever scarred

8. Caught Between Two Worlds

Transcend the continuous
The unspeakable
Continuum of suffering
There is no end, the future eternal
What should be over, is dragged out for eternity
Confined to a loop which has no end

Our flesh, the physical, will dissolve
And the essence is all that remains
Drifting, latching on to anything that's obtainable
Caught between two worlds
Where one without the other can not exist
Transcending beyond the atmospheric realm

From the first breath of deception
To the last gasp of hope
Drawing deceit into lungs

You look over your shoulder
Hoping not to see
What you think it is you saw
But it is, it always is

Always by yourself, but never alone
You see things, that no one else sees
Hearing the whisper, speaking the ancient words
Unbound power bestowed

Excruciating visions
But are they visions?
Or are they real
Manifestations of death

Seeing atrocious things
Feeling horrible pains
Living out the end of eternity

9. Epitaph Of The Credulous

The servant of the higher power is summoned
By the emptiness of the
Lost souls, with wings extended
It sweeps across the land looking
For its helpless victims
The young and old are its prey, the ones
Not strong enough to survive
With blood dripping from its talons
And flesh between its fingers
It feasts upon human prey, fetuses
Decorated with blood
Wombs torn from their mothers
The beast has no feelings, it sees no remorse
And pities the hopeless, its meal is
Vast and plentiful
For there are many to feed upon
You see, there are too many
Who have no need to live
And something has to clean it up
It comes with no warning and takes what is his
The old try to find their way through God
Yet they are following a lost cause
You see, in this world
He is God
No God can save you from him

The beast was called by your so called God
To clean up what has been
Destroyed by the race that inhabits this planet
The beast is full and the weak are scattered
Among the litter and trash

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